
Reynosa is the most populous city in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico, with a population of over 700,000 inhabitants, and is located on the United States-Mexico border, in the lower floodplain of the Río Grande river. While the city is a hub for wind-generated clean energy, it is also prone to extreme weather patterns demonstrating higher temperatures as well as droughts

The municipal government is striving to construct dams to control flooding during periods of high rainfall, as well as to participate in mitigation and resilience projects, both at the national and international levels.

Local risk management strategies

Reynosa is adapting strategies that involve identifying potential risks and preparing its Plan Municipal Against Climate Change (PACMUN) assessing their impacts, and developing plans to mitigate them. Following international standards and frameworks, Reynosa’s efforts are guided by the National Risk Atlas (NRA), a comprehensive information system designed to identify and map hazards caused by natural and man-made phenomena, as well as developing risk scenarios to which the population, its assets, and its infrastructure could be exposed. The Civil Protection area in the municipal government is responsible for coordination and execution of risk management strategy in Reynosa.