Any person or group of persons, or a community that has been or may be affected negatively by an ICLEI project may file a complaint. As well as individuals wishing to submit recommendations or report issues of integrity, corruption, misuse of funds, fraud etc. All complaints will be handled without prejudice.
If persons fear or have experienced reprisals in relation to a complaint, they can also use this channel, using a representative to file and pursue the complaint on their behalf. Feedback can be submitted primarily through the online form available below in any of the available languages. Alternatively a PDF version and a Word version of the form are available and can be submitted via:
- email: Safe.activities@iclei.org
- landmail: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability – Kaiser-Friedrich Strasse 7, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Note: If your language is not available, please submit the complaint as possible and ICLEI will have the complaint translated.
The ICLEI ICM will provide confidentiality upon receiving a complaint if requested to do so. Where disclosure may be required to address the complaint, the plaintiff will decide what can be disclosed.